For the always on, always connected PC, Qualcomm announced the 850 processor. The chip features the X20 modem that supports virtually constant connectivity. The clock speed of the processor is 2.96Ghz with 64-bit architecture and is based on 10nm. In terms of the display capability, the processor supports 4K Ultra resolution.
The fanless design helps manufacturers to design the mobile computers sleek and more portable. Additionally, it also supports on-device experiences for AI with enhancements in camera, voice and battery life. Windows 10 devices powered by the Snapdragon Mobile Compute Platform are expected to be available in retail later this year.
priya says
The Snapdragon 850 a processor designed specifically for Windows devices. The chip is supposed to drive a new generation of Windows on Snapdragon devices around this holiday season. Many thanks for sharing this review.
amar says
snapdragon 850 said to deliver wonderful performance as it is developed version of qualcomm snapdragon 845.The Snapdragon 850 platform is designed to support many of the features on smartphones for the PC, making it always connected to LTE or Wi-Fi networks