Motorola has announced its latest flagship, the Edge 50 Pro. Powered by Snapdragon 7 Gen 3 processor, the Edge 50 Pro comes with 8GB or 12GB RAM options with 256GB of storage. It features a 6.7-inch 144Hz refresh rate display. In terms of battery, the Edge 50 Pro has a 4500mAh battery. The 8GB version supports fast charging of up to 68W and the 12GB version supports fast charging of up to 125W. It also supports 50W wireless charging.
The phone is IP68 certified for water and dust resistance. One of the highlight of Edge 50 Pro is its 50-megapixel primary AI camera. The other lens are 13-megapixel ultra-wide and macro. The Edge 50 Pro comes with Android 14 and Motorola is committing 3 years of OS udpates.
The Motorola Edge 50 Pro is available in three-colours: Black Beauty, Luxe Lavender, and Moonlight Pearl. Motorola Edge 50 Pro is priced at Rs 31,999 for the 8GB RAM and 256GB storage variant, which includes a 68W charger. The 12GB RAM and 256GB storage variant, along with a 125W charger, is priced at Rs 35,999. The phone will be available on Flipkart starting April 9.
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