Given the history of PlayStation Plus Instant Games Collection (IGC), Sony’s lineup for March 2018 is a really good one. From next week, PS Plus subscribers will be able to download BloodBorne and Ratchet & Clank. Both are critically acclaimed games and exclusive to PlayStation platform. PS4 users will also get three additional games – Mighty No. 9, Claire: Extended Cut and Bombing Busters, thanks KS to cross-buy with PS3 (Mighty No. 9) and PS Vita platforms. Additionally, there’s Legend of Kay for PS3 users.
Sony also shared a service update as well, which will be in effect from next year. Starting March 8, 2019, Sony will only give PS4 titles as part of their monthly lineup and not the PS3 and PS Vita titles that they currently give. We’re not sure if Sony will increase the number of PS4 games or stay at the current two but we hope Sony improves the quality of titles on offer, similar to the current month.
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