At the India Gaming Show, Sony today announced the availability of its new PlayStation 4 consoles as well as its VR accessory. The powerful PS4 Pro that offers 4K gaming, better graphics and performance along with the PS4 Slim will start selling in India from this month whereas the PS VR will be available in India from March.
PS4 Pro offers 4K gaming with HDR whereas the PS4 Slim offers HDR with performance akin to the original PS4 but in a compact chassis and efficient power consumption. PS VR requires a PS4 and works with all SKUs – PS4, PS4 Slim and PS4 Pro.
The 1TB PS4 Pro is priced at Rs. 38,990 whereas the 500GB PS4 Slim will start from Rs. 27,990. PS VR, on the other hand, will be sold in two options – one with a PS4 camera bundle at Rs. 41,990 and one without for Rs. 37,990.
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