Apple also announced the newer version of iOS that will be pre-installed in the new iPad 2. The iOS 4.3 will come with many features that will improve the overall experience of users with iOS devices. Few features and improvements include Safari browser is claimed to be more faster due to the integration of new Nitro JavaScript engine, improved iTunes Home Sharing feature and AirPlay enhancements.
Two features that will be specific to iPhone and iPad respectively will be the new Personal Hotspot that will allow iPhone to share its data connection with other Wi-Fi, Bluetooth or USB-connected devices and the side switch for iPad to either lock the screen rotation or mute the audio.
iOS 4.3 will be available on the iPad 2 but original iPad, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4 and iPod touch 3rd and 4th gen users will be able to download the operating system for free from March 11.
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