Apple has revealed its next-generation Mac OS scheduled to release next summer. The eighth major release of the Mac OS X will be known as Lion and bring in some interesting features. Few features that were highlighted today are:
Mac App Store: Similar to the Apps Store, users will now be able to buy Mac apps directly from the store using their iTunes account. The store will also be available to Snow Leopard users within 90 days.
Launchpad: It works similar to a home screen on the iPad. User will be able to all their Mac apps on the screen and can be launched quickly.
Full Screen support: Lion supports system-wide support for full screen apps. Users can enter full-screen mode with one click or switch to another app in full screen by swiping the trackpad.
Mission Control: This feature gives a unified view of all running apps and windows on the Mac. It includes the next generation of Expose that shows all opened windows, thumbnails of full screen apps etc.
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