So you thought iPod Touch was just a cellular radio-less version of the iPhone? Well, this may sound true for the first 1st gen iPod Touch, but the case is a bit different with the successor. Handheld Games Corp’s CEO, Thomas Fessler claims that the iPod Touch 2G houses a 532MHz processor as compared to iPhone 3G that has a processor running at a clock speed of 412MHz.
“Our first step to increase fps performance was to introduce hardware dependent levels of detail. Where we can easily display two 1500 polygon tennis players with 32 bones each on the iPod touch 2G and maintain fast and fluid game play, the original iPod touch just chokes, and in some instances so do the iPhones. To speed up the touch, we reduced the players to 800 polygons in farther away moments of gameplay, and are now using 1000 polygon models for close ups, bringing the original iPod touch game play performance level close to that of the iPhone 3G. We’ve taken this approach across the board with great results.”
Handheld Games sells their maiden game, TouchSports Tennis in the App Store for $4.99. The first version is expected to lag in devices except iPod Touch 2G. the company has revealed that their next version is on their way for older versions giving better playback framerate.
[Via Toucharcade]
haqu - ipod touch games says
iPod Touch becomes new platform for games, it was fun to play Tower Defense, iShoot and LightBike (especially wifi mode).