UPDATE: Guardian has got the video. Click here.
So we’ve heard bold claims from Indian government before as well but it looks like they’ve achieved it this time. The Indian HR Ministry has managed to create a computing device that costs $35 but is continuously trying to lower costs to $20 and ultimately $10. Yes, that $10 laptop could be a reality.
Kapil Sibal unveiled the device that is said to deliver on three key principles of education – access, equity and quality. While corporates weren’t keen on the concept, students and experts from IITs and IISc managed to do it.
The release does not mention anything on the technical side of the device but Trak.in seems to have got their mitts on the minimum requirements as well as couple of pics.
Minimum Functionalities expected:-
– Support for video web Conferencing facility
– Multimedia content viewer for example .pdf, docx, .ods, adp, .doc, .xls, .jpeg, .gif, .png, .bmp, .odt, .zip, AVCHD, AVI, AC3, etc.
– Searchable Pdf reader
– Unzip tool for unzipping zip files.
– Possibility of installing suitable firmware upgradation.
– Computing capabilities such as Open Office , SciLab , cups (for printing support)
– Media player capable of playing streamed as well as stored media files.
– Internet browsing with flash plug-in, JavaScript, pdf plug-in java.
– Wireless communication for Audio/video I/O.
– Cloud computing option.
– Remote device management capability.
– Multimedia input output interface option (for allowing DTV, IPTv, DTH, streaming etc.)
[Via Trak.in]
Nikhil says
It sounds a little unrealistic. However it would be great if the government decides to get this thing rolling and without any additional hidden costs attached to it. Also issues like connectivity are addressed.