The sandals pictured above are not only for style statement. They are style plus protection for the fairer sex. The Electric Cinderella Shoes when activated can send 100,000 volts of stun gun power. The weapon is placed beneath the sandals and can be activated with a matching necklace. On activation, an electric spark is displayed so as to give a warning to the assailant to back off. The Cinderella Shoes are meant for one time use in case of an emergency. Check out how it works and one more pic after the jump.

[Via Coolest Gadgets/Gizmag]
I prefer Topless Strapless Sticky Sandals! They are great fun to wear. I got many strange looks and questions on how do they stay on my feet! I found them here: http://StickySandals.com or Call us at (800) 955-0461
Really cool. Good idea.