Lenovo’s big lineup of smartphones has got bigger with the announcement of S60. The new mid-range smartphone is priced at Rs. 12,999 and features a smooth rounded poly-carbonate shell for a premium look. On the hardware side of things, the S60 boasts a 64-bit 1.2GHz quad-core processor, 2GB RAM, 8GB internal memory with microSD card slot supporting up to 32GB, a 5-inch HD display, a 13 megapixel rear facing camera with 5 megapixel on the front, and 2150mAh battery.
The only letdown we feel is the Android 4.4 KitKat OS out of the box but if you can wait, Lenovo will upgrade the device to Android 5.0.
The phone is now available online on Flipkart, Amazon and Lenovo Do stores.
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