There’s no doubt that we live in a polluted world. So to make our lives pollution free, Brando offers a USB Mini Water Air Purifier. The filthy air is trapped in the water with its high rotational speed and sends back the filtered air which is clean and pollution free. Available here at $25.
[Via Raw Feed]
Nothing ceases to amaze me? USB air cleaners! Whatever next. The question I ask myself though, is how effective are they. My research indicates that the more air that is passed through the cleaner the better. How efficient can a USB air cleaner be at that?
Breeze Filter
I just love all types of air purifiers. I am always trying to convince my friends and family to get one. However they are always complaining that they look ugly, and even those really slimline air purifiers are not to their taste. At last I might have just found the ideal gift for my friends now and no excuses for not using it. These USB Air filters looks great and most of my friends and family have a computer so no more excuses from them. Excellent. Thanks.
Isn’t this mini air purifier cute? Very nice looking item, cost is perfectly fine. But, the problem is effectiveness, the technology used is really not convincing. C’mon fighting allergies is not at all easy.
This purifier is too small to do anything. Here’s a shocking comsumer reports video about air purifiers….
The miser and the openhanded spend the same in the long run.