Well, it won’t be as futuristic as this one but definitely at par or more than that the current set of competing consoles. In an interview with Financial Times, Square Enix’s President Yoichi Wada told them that he expects Ninty’s next console iteration will come sometime in 2011 with possibly a different controller. His expected year jibes with the Wii HD rumor that sprung up in October last year.
Apart from the prophecy of the new console, he was less confident about the greater impact PS3’s and Xbox 360’s motion controller would make on the console sales.
“Present game machines already have a lot of functions: they are a network terminal, a Blu-ray or DVD player, and a gaming machine. Compared to these three pillars, the [new motion] controllers are quite limited, so the impact may be small. They are an extension of the gaming function.”
[Via Joystiq]
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