These scarves are developed by a graduation student, Joe Malia. A scarf which you tech addicts can wear to have some privacy in public places. Or for some perverts to watch porn privately in public areas. One innovation many ideas. By the way, there’s a scarf for people who need some privacy on their desktops too. Maybe i’ll wait till it comes for notebooks ;). Check out one more pic after the jump.

[Via WMMNA/Design Page]
Could be useful for photography. Some LCD screens are near imposible to see during daylight.
Use the viewfinder… it’s much steadier
really, these are the best items of clothing i’ve seen in years!
Actually he’s hiding his face because he badly needs a new dye job.
Uhmmm oki next project should be to make some sort of scarf for the rest of the body
its just as important and one goes with the other.
While your gaming/working/letching I’m stealing your bag…
genious idea. I currently do this at my office with a towel because the flourescent bulbs annoy the hell out of me. where can I buy one of these?
Should advertise it as ‘fastest way to get beaten senseless and robbed if used in a city during off-hours’
“DISCLAIMER: may be urinated on as follow-up degradation, offender citing ‘how stupid he looked’ in defense of his actions”
hmmm kinda disturbing if you ask me
wow, i want one. ive always needed something so i can watch my gay porn in the public park.
Great opportunity for muggers to subdue victims and secure their expensive laptop/pda/pmp at the same time!
scarves for tech addicts, eh? perhaps for those who don’t mind being snuck up on and scared shitless, or being oblivious of being silently mocked by everyone in sight. oh, and it would help to be totally touch-familiar with your keyboard.
now, please check my solution to the unseen screen of the laptop outdoors in the daytime which also has an element of privacy but which does not shut out the world. i call it the outdoor office. oh, and it’s a carry case. (recently seen on jay leno during “pitch to america”)
Excellent! I can now watch porn in the bus. And at the same time I wont be able to see the reactions of the people around me when they see me wearing this “cloth”!
Somebody should film the reactions of bystanders!
If I was walking down the street and noticed someone wearing that I would mug them.
You go ahead and get one… I’ll be the one laughing when you get mugged 3 days a week…
hmm, as aesthetically pleasing and über futuristic as these appear to be, I’m not impressed (just yet)
Is it just me or are these users just asking for a mugging?
They’ll never be able to see who mugged them for their PSP/PDA/NDS! Awesome!
Les gens qui écrivent dans d’autres langues que l’Anglais sur des sites internet anglophones sont vraiment stupides.
C’est décourageant.
Je veux une écharpe !
Ого клева , опиÑотьÑÑ Ð¼Ð¾Ð¶Ð½Ð¾
а то что Ñ Ð±ÑƒÐ´Ñƒ выглÑдеть в Ñтой хуйне как дебил производителей не волнует чоли ?
Could double as a “special” type of warmer in the winter too
hah… i want one of theese for Dreamhack.
I will personally kick the ass of anyone I see wearing these scarves.
This one makes sence “One’s first step in wisdom is to kuesstion everything – and one’s last is to come to terms with everything.”
One’s first step in wisdom is to kuesteon everything – and one’s last is to come to terms with everything.
I think this one doesn’t make any sense: breungles, mentioned somewhere
Should advertise it as ‘fastest way to get beaten senseless and robbed if used in a city during off-hours’
“DISCLAIMER: may be urinated on as follow-up degradation, offender citing ‘how stupid he looked’ in defense of his actions”
hahahahah i need this
great idea..
very useful for hard sites
wooow is great