Freescale Semiconductor is upbeat about ARM’s launch of Snapdragon for Smartbooks and the former has teamed up with Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD) to create some conceptual smartbooks that will also be exhibited at the Computex. Smartbooks are powered by ARM based processors which boast an all day battery life, instant-on and […]
Qualcomm develops 1.3GHz 45nm chipset for phones and netbooks
UPDATE: Video of Android running Snapdragon powered Eee PC added below. Qualcomm at the Computex presscon unveiled a 45nm based QSD8650A Snapdragon chipset. This SoC meant for smartphones and smartbooks (netbooks) advances over the previous Snapdragon chipsets and features a processor clocking at 1.3GHz, UMTS and CDMA 3G connectivity, GPS, Wi-Fi, hi-def video recording […]