At an event in New Delhi today, Nokia unveiled the Asha 501. The new phone boasts a Lumia-like design with a variety of colour options, an improved user interface and a really affordable price of $99. It’s a 2G phone with a 3-inch display and is based on a new Asha platform that leverages Nokia’s […]
Nokia Lumia 620 Review
Nokia’s been slowly and steadily expanding its Lumia range. If Lumia 520 targets the entry-level crowd, the Lumia 620 has been created for users who’re willing to spend a bit extra. But considering how well the Lumia 520 fares, does it even make sense to spend extra for the Lumia 620? We take a look. […]
Lumia 928 appears on Nokia website
Lumia 928 has been rumoured for quite some time and it seems the device is days away from the official unveiling. After the billboard ad last week, Nokia has published an ad in a magazine touting Lumia 928’s low light features. Interestingly, the magazine ad also contains a link and pointing your web browser to […]
Unidentified LG Phone surfaces, speculated to be the Optimus G2
Twitter user @Evleaks has an impeccable record when it comes to leaking upcoming devices and yesterday he published a new image giving a clear front view of an LG phone. Unfortunately, the image is all we have as @evleaks hasn’t appended it with any more info. The speculation claims the button-less LG device could be […]
Samsung unveils Galaxy Core
Samsung has added yet another Galaxy device to its roster with the introduction of Galaxy Core. The phone is spec’d on the lower end, thus hinting an affordable price of the upcoming device. The dual-SIM version of the Galaxy Core will be available from this month whereas the single-SIM Galaxy Core will be released internationally […]
Nokia Lumia 520 Review
Nokia is at an important juncture right now. While they have the Lumia 920 and Lumia 820 targeting two different sets of crowds at different price points, none of them caters to the bottom of the smartphone market, where the majority of the consumers are. To address the sub-Rs. 10k base, Nokia recently launched the […]
HTC M4 render surfaces, hints at One design at a lower price point
HTC One is one of the better looking Androids out there but the disappointing fact is that the flagship model is out of reach for many. The good news now is that HTC is trying to extend the same superior design language to lower price points as well. Behold the HTC phone codenamed M4 that […]
Spice announces Smart Flo Pace 2 phone with 5-inch screen, Rs. 7000 price tag
Spice today announced a new Android phone for consumers who seek a large screen at a very affordable price. The phone is priced at just Rs. 6,999 and brings in a 5-inch display with WVGA resolution. In addition to that, the phone runs on Android 4.0 OS, supports dual-SIM functionality (2G) and is powered by […]
Micromax Canvas 3D (A115): Smartphone with a 3D display
LG and HTC have their iterations of 3D phones in the Indian market but it seems Micromax will take the cake for offering a 3D phone at a really affordable price. At an asking price of just Rs. 9,999, the Canvas 3D (A115) features a 5-inch glasses-free 3D display. If 3D is not your cup […]
BlackBerry Z10 Review
Two to three years are more than enough for a mobile phone company to become a hero from zero and vice versa. BlackBerry – formerly known as Research in Motion – was the undisputed smartphone leader with Nokia but the mobile industry underwent a sea change since the entry of Apple. Samsug and Apple rule […]
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