The first Xperia phone to be branded under the new Sony Mobile Communications has been announced for the Indian market. The Xperia S will be available in white and black hues at a price of around Rs. 32,500. The phone packs some decent innards like a powerful 1.5GHz dual-core Snapdragon processor, a 4.3-inch display with 720p HD resolution support, 12MP camera with Exmor R lens for better low light performance and faster capture, full HD video recording support, 1.3Mp front-facing camera with 720p support, HDMI, Bravia Sync, DLNA, Wi-Fi, GPS and 1750mAh battery.
As for the OS, the Xperia S will run Android 2.3 out of the box but will be upgradable to Android 4.0 in this quarter.
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