Sony Mobile today added a new Xperia handset to its arsenal – Xperia sola. One of the unique features Xperia sola boasts is the floating touch technology for web browsing. This works by allowing users to hover their fingers above the screen to act like a moving cursor, without actually having to touch the screen and once the desired link is found, it can be loaded with a simple click.
As for other other features, it runs on Android 2.3 (upgradeable to Android 4.0) and comes with 1GHz STE U8500 dual-core processor, 3.7-inch Reality Display (854×480) with Mobile Bravia engine, 5MP camera with 720p HD video recording, NFC with SmartTags support, GPS, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, 3.5mm audio jack, 2D and 3D sweep panorama, 8GB internal memory, microSD card slot and 1320mAh battery.
The phone will be released globally starting from second quarter.
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