Indian GPS maker, SatNav has launched a software-based solution that will allow parents to keep a tab on their child’s current location. The SatTracx Locator is a free application that sits in the recipient’s phone and when your loved one calls to SatNav’s call center and asks for the location, he is given the exact coordinates of the recipient’s whereabouts after a small verification.
SatNav says the application can suggest the coordinates up to an accuracy of 1km in case the phone does not have GPS or at an accuracy of 5 to 10 meters if the phone has GPS built-in. However, I’m not sure if the app is continuously connected with the GPS to give out the almost accurate coordinates because it would seriously suck up the phone’s battery life.
SatNav is also marketing the app as a tool for businessmen to track their transit goods or even use it as an anti-mobile theft device.
The service is however not cheap. A user needs to buy a talk time to talk to their customer execs. Its Rs. 110 for 15 minutes with a month’s validity; Rs. 600 for 105 minutes with 6 months validity and Rs. 1,200 for 210 minutes working for a full year.
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