Having an App Store for a platform like Windows seem unnecessary but Intel’s gone ahead and launched its own, targeted at netbook users. The AppUp Center needs to be the downloaded on the user’s machine to give quick access and updates to applications. The AppUp Center will be initially supported by manufacturers like Acer, Asus, Dell and Samsung.
Another thing Intel launched today was WiDi, a new HD over wireless technology. A user can stream HD content from his PC to the main TV with the help of an adapter to the box connected to the TV.
The WiDi will be available from January 17 powered by Intel’s new Core i5 processor.
There are two limitations here: first is the delay and second is the small number of laptops to support the technology as Intel wants to keep this in house. You can see the WiDi demo and how to setup this on your TV in here: http://www.thehdstandard.com/hardwaresoftware-solutions-for-streaming/pc-to-tv-wireless-720p-streaming-from-intel/
Professional Streaming Consultant
So what’s available right now, technologically competitive with Intel’s WiDI? I want it now, Gateway NV76R, Core i5-3210M, Intel HD 4000 graphics, running Windows 8. I just bought this 17″ laptop (with 3rd gen. i5) which I assumed would have WiDi based on Intel’s previous announcement, that “…all new 3rd gen, i3 and i5s” will come with WiDi. NOT!