Samsung’s Alias 2 (U750) has already made a public appearance but this time it gets in front of a video camera and shows off its dynamically changing E-Ink keypad and few other features. Jennifer or JenJen from Howardforums managed to get it 4 days before the release and here she is recording her initial experience on the video. You can ask any questions to her regarding the phone in this thread over at Howardforums.
The phone’s releasing on May 11 and will cost $80 with a two year contract and rebate.
This post has been republished from Samsung Hub. For more Samsung news, head over to Samsung Hub.
Madam, it is really very fasinating from your side to have a show on Samsung’s Alias 2 (U750), simply it’s great and sexy. I would like to have one of it. Please lead me through my e-mail so that I can buy one.
Thanking you