Asus’s P552w phone has made a couple of appearances before and today they have announced the handset for the Indian market. Priced at Rs. 27,900 ($560), it is the first phone from Asus to support their own Glide interface that sits atop the usual Windows Mobile 6.1 Pro OS. The Glide interface from Asus […]
Asus P552w gets priced and dated
We have already seen Asus’s P552w PDA phone which is nothing but an upgrade to P320. And it seems the phone is ready to hit the mainstream European market by mid October for a price tag of 500 Euros ($679). New details to emerge this time are its processor with a clock speed of […]
Asus P552w PDA phone
Asus recently launched P552w touch screen phone in Taiwan. The phone seems to be an upgrade to P320 with a tad larger screen and a new body design. The full specifications are not revealed but it has a 2.8-inch touch screen with connectivity options of Wi-Fi, HSDPA and Bluetooth. Just like P320, this one […]