Jumping on the SSD bandwagon, Intel also announced the beginning of shipment of its 1.8-inch and 2.5-inch SSDs. The X18-M and X25-M SSDs will be available for both laptops as well as desktops and are based on multi-level cell (MLC) NAND flash technology. Intel’s SSDs outperformed the conventional HDDs by nine times giving a […]
Asus Xonar HDAV1.3 for Home Theater PCs
Asus’s high-end solution for hi-def multimedia on PCs has arrived in India. The Xonar HDAV1.3 is touted to be the world’s first HDMI 1.3a compliant audio/video enhancement combo card. The card integrates certifications of Protected Audio Playback Systems (PAPS) and full Advanced Access Content System (AACS) which helps to play unconverted Blu-ray audio on […]
Microsoft announces SideWinder keyboard and mouse
Microsoft has made its rumored SideWinder X6 keyboard official. Catering to the gamers, Microsoft says that they have built this keyboard from scratch with keeping gamers in mind. The detachable keypad functions as a number pad in normal mode but turns itself to a powerful macro pad while in gaming mode. 90 macro commands […]
Intel Nehalem is now Core
Intel has announced that its Nehalem processors based on the new microarchitecture will commercially be called Core. The very first products based on the new architecture will be the i7 chips coming in flavors of Basic and Extreme edition. The chips are high in performance and energy efficient which will help Intel to maintain […]
Asus Vit W1 mouse can track your pulses
Interested in checking your pulse rate while you’re playing an intensive session of Call of Duty or even just for fun? Asus’s latest mouse, Vit W1 Wireless Laser Mouse can do the trick as it magically measures a user’s pulse rate with the help of embedded pulse rate sensor. It then sends the data […]
Logitech Tri Color Mouse
We share the feeling of patriotism. We don’t mind fighting against terrorism, standing in the theater for the national anthem or even hoisting a flag in our office but using a mouse to show how patriotic we are doesn’t seem to work for us. Logitech’s brainy marketing team decided to come up with something […]
I-O Data brings 8X BD writer
After Buffalo introduced their set of 8X BD writers, I-O Data steps up and launches the same flavored internal ones. BRD-P8 series will support SATA interface and is capable to burn single as well as dual layer BD discs at 8X. That’s just 14 minutes to burn massive data. For single layer DVDs, it […]
Dell Studio Hybrid unveiled
Dell has officially introduced its energy efficient range in the form of Studio Hybrid. The Hybrid PC looks very compact, stylish and petite and packs a decent spec’ed PC capable of emitting less of CO2. The Studio Hybrid PC has got a Energy Star 4.0 accreditation and burns 70 percent less electricity than the […]
Buffalo intros fastest BD burners
Japanese company, Buffalo have announced a breakthrough in the world of Blu-Ray optical drives. They have developed world’s first 8X BD internal and external burners. Both the burners, BR-816FBS-WH (internal) and BR-816SU2 (external) will support 8X writing speed of single layer BD Discs whereas 2X recording for dual layer ones. The drives will hit […]
Microsoft Arc Mouse
Microsoft wanted the world to show its newly (ergonomically?) designed Arc mouse. But thanks to Maximum PC, the mouse got leaked which was still under embargo. Unfortunately, they have pulled down the story but the whole world knows about it by now. It looks like crescent moon when fully open and can reduce to […]
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