NVIDIA has announced plans to launch its GeForce Now cloud gaming service in India during the first half of 2025. The service will operate through a data center equipped with GeForce RTX 4080 GPUs, enabling gamers to stream the latest AAA titles in 4K resolution at 60 frames per second without the need for high-end hardware. Additionally, GeForce RTX gaming will also expand across popular devices such as Steam Deck, Apple Vision Pro spatial computers, Meta Quest 3 and 3S, and Pico mixed-reality devices.
GeForce Now offers multiple membership tiers:
– Free Tier: Ad-supported access with gameplay at 1080p resolution for up to one hour per session.
– Performance Tier: Paid membership supporting 1440p resolution at 60fps.
– Ultimate Membership: Provides the shortest queue times, up to 100 hours of monthly playtime with an eight-hour session limit, and gameplay in 4K resolution at 240fps.
The Ultimate tier utilizes RTX 4080-powered machines and is the only option that supports NVIDIA’s DLSS technology for enhanced graphics.
While specific pricing details for the Indian market have not been disclosed, the data center is expected to be located in Mumbai. This expansion aims to make high-quality gaming more accessible to Indian gamers by eliminating the need for expensive gaming hardware.
In addition to India, NVIDIA plans to extend GeForce Now services to other regions, including Colombia, Chile, Thailand, and Peru, through its GeForce NOW Alliance partners.
This move reflects NVIDIA’s commitment to broadening cloud gaming accessibility worldwide, allowing gamers to enjoy high-performance gaming across various devices, including smartphones, tablets, and PCs, with a stable internet connection.
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