Sony India just announced the Xperia T2 Ultra, a large screen smartphone at an affordable price. Priced at Rs. 25,990, the Xperia T2 brings in a 6-inch HD IPS Triluminos display with a thin bezel having a screen to size ratio of 73.6 percent.
The smartphone also features a 13MP camera that supports “smart social camera system,” enabling developers to create camera add-ons and comes with Sony software enhancements like latest Album, Walkman and Movies apps
Rounding up the specs sheet are Qualcomm’s Snapdragon quad-core 1.4GHz processor, 1GB RAM, 8GB internal memory with microSD card slot, dual-SIM support, NFC, 3000mAh battery with Battery Stamina Mode.
Xperia T2 Ultra Dual will be available for purchase from tomorrow, Mar 20.
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