After launching the device in its homeland, HTC has set its eyes on the international markets for the Desire 500. The mid-range phone is targeted at budget conscious consumers who seek decent performance without having to spend too much. Powering the Android running device is a 1.2GHz quad-core Snapdragon 200 processor. Furthermore, the phone packs in a 4.3-inch display with WVGA resolution (800×480), an 8MP main camera, 1.6MP front snapper, microSD card slot up to 64GB and dual-SIM and NFC support for select markets.
The Desire 500 will carry some of the software optimisations found on the Sense 5 on the HTC One like BlinkFeed, Video Highlights.
The Desire 500 will be available soon in Lacquer Black and Glacier Blue colour options.
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