Lava has expanded its Iris smartphone range with the Iris 504q. The phone is priced at Rs. 13,499 and despite the affordable price tag, the phone is packed with features. The 8.4mm device features a 5-inch HD 720p display, is powered by Mediatek’s 1.2GHz quad-core processor and comes with Air Gestures that enable users to click an image, sift through images, play music by just waving their hand.
Furthermore, Lava has packed the Iris 504q with Android 4.2 Jelly Bean OS, an 8MP camera with BSI sensor and 2MP front-facing camera, 1GB RAM, 4GB internal memory, 2000mah battery, microSD card slot and a powered LavaZone.
The phone will be available in the last week of June.
Having played with the device briefly during the launch, the device felt pretty good in the hands. The front has a nice 5-inch display with a matte finish battery cover that gives some extra grip. On the software side, the phone runs the stock version of Android with little modification. The Air Gestures found on the Lava device tries to emulate what you find on Samsung’s Galaxy S III or Galaxy S4 but works differently than Samsung’s as it uses the proximity sensor instead of the camera. I felt the gestures are more of a gimmick but it’s a good step that Indian companies are trying to customise the software experience.
I’ll publish a detailed review when I receive the unit but for now, the phone looks pretty for its price.
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