Nokia has announced the availability of its cheapest Windows Phone 8 Lumia device for the Indian market. Beginning tomorrow, Nokia and its retail partners will start selling the Lumia 520 across the country. Lumia 520 may not bring all the features of higher priced Lumias but is indeed a decently spec’d phone for the Rs. 10,500 price point.
The phone is equipped with a 1GHz dual-core processor, 512MB RAM, 4-inch WVGA display, 5MP camera with HD video recording support, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, 8GB internal memory with microSD card slot, 1430mAh battery and support for Nokia services like Cinemagraph, Smart Shoot lens, HERE maps, music streaming and more.
Nokia has tied up with Reliance Communication (GSM) to offer 1GB of 3G data free plus unlimited usage of Facebook and Whatsapp for the first two months.
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