LG will soon start selling the Optimus L9 smartphone in the Indian market. Priced at Rs. 23,000, the L9 boasts decent specs with looks LG’s L-Series is known for. The Optimus L9 concentrates on five design elements like Modern Square Style for comfortable grip, Floating Mass Technology for a slimmer look, Seamless Layout for intuitive arrangement of keys, Harmonized Design Contrast that utilizes metallic accents and Sensuous Slim Shape to draw user’s attention.
On the hardware front, the Ice Cream Sandwich OS running phone comes with a 4.7-inch IPS panel display supporting a resolution of 960×540 pixels, 1GHz dual-core processor, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS, 4GB internal memory, 5MP camera with flash and SiO+2150mAh battery.
L9 also comes with some software optimizations like QuickTranslator to translate foreign words to English quickly, QuickMemo to quick note taking, voice-activated CheeseShutter for clicking pictures and improved keypad.
LG’s Optimus L-Series range consists of L5, L7 and L9 phones.
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