Sprint has announced a new Android smartphone targeted at first time smartphone users. The Kyocera Rise is priced at just $19.99 after $50 mail-in rebate and 2-year contract and despite the low price, the phone is decently spec’d that will ensure a satisfactory performance.
Rise runs the Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich update and features Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 1GHz MSM8655 processor, 3.5-inch HVGA display, a horizontal sliding QWERTY keyboard, 3.2MP camera with LED flash, microSD card slot Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, 1,500mAh battery. The phone also supports Sprint ID packs that gives an assortment of apps, widgets, ringtones and wallpapers.
Sprint users will get the phone from August 19 whereas Virgin Mobile users can expect to pick the device from August 31 at $99.99 without any contract.
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