At the launch of Optimus 2X and Optimus Black yesterday, LG executive Vishal Chopra also confirmed about the upcoming launch of its 3D Android-based tablet Optimus Pad. LG is expecting to launch the tablet in June that will compete with Samsung’s Galaxy Tab and Apple iPad.
Mr. Chopra didn’t divulge the price of tablet saying that he would “be in a better position to say (about price clarity) around last week of May.” However, one can expect the Optimus Pad to be priced around Rs. 30,000 range considering the competitive tablets are available in the same range.
LG Optimus Pad was unveiled at the MWC in February and features Android 3.0 Honeycomb OS, 8.9-inch display, 1GH Tegra 2 dual-core processor, dual 5MP cameras, full HD video recording support (2D) or 720p HD video recording for 3D, Wi-Fi, GPS, Bluetooth etc.
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