Joining the HD multimedia player fray are Netgear’s NeoTV devices – the 350 HD and 550 Ultimate HD. The new pair of NeoTVs will compete with the likes of WD TV and are able to play full HD content from USB storage devices, memory cards, media servers, Internet etc.
Other common features include DLNA compatibility, memory card slot, Dolby Digital and DTS surround sound and support for Netgear’s Universal Wi-Fi internet adapter.
The couple differentiating features 550 Ultimate boasts are an additional eSATA port and external Blu-ray drives support.
Both the models will arrive in October where NeoTV 350 will be available in Europe for 129.99 Euros and Australia for AU$189.99. The NeoTV 550 model will sell in Europe, Australia and US for 199.99 Euros, AU$299.99 and US$219.99 respectively.
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