Nintendo will release the DSi XL in U.S. in March. The larger-sized DSi is set to hit the retail stores on March 28 carrying a price tag of $189.99. Additionally, Nintendo also announced a 100 Classic Book pack for DSi XL that will arrive on June 15 for $19.99.
Nintendo is trying to pitch DSi XL as an e-book reader since a user will have to hold the device just like a real book while reading.
DSi XL is already being sold in Japan as DSi LL and features a big 4.2-inch screen as opposed to DSi’s 3.25-inch. The stylus of the XL will also be longer by 4mm.
[Via Kotaku]
I really don’t understand their point. But I guess it gives them one more product to market. I was hoping for some improvements on the hardware, but from the looks of it, there isn’t.
I heard that DSi XL did well in Japan and had sold out last Christmas. I have a question though, I’m pretty excited to purchase one for my son but why’s the release on UK is earlier (March 5) compared in US?