Even though Microsoft bluntly refuted the possibility of an Xbox 360 with Blu-ray, the hopes are again rejuvenated with a statement given by Microsoft’s honcho, Steve Ballmer to Gizmodo. In an interview, the site popped up a question of Blu-ray on Xbox and this is what Ballmer said.
“Well I don’t know if we need to put Blu-ray in there—you’ll be able to get Blu-ray drives as accessories.”
On the other hand, when the same question was asked to the MS PR, they did have a different comment but neither confirmed or denied Ballmer’s statement.
“Our immediate solution for Blu-ray-quality video on an Xbox 360 is coming this fall with Zune Video and 1080p instant-on HD streaming. As far as our future plans are concerned, we’re not ready to comment.”
No comments for Ballmer’s statement. Shall we take it as a yes?
[Via Gizmodo]
From what I’ve been reading the blu-ray add on for the xbox 360 won’t be available for some time.
I’d say for those with an xbox, enjoy the streamable content currently available, and just wait for a cheaper blue-ray player.