Oh iPhone 3GS unlockers, you really are spoilt for choices now. If you thought the iPhone Dev team were Gods in this scene, GeoHot too has come to the party to attain the same tag with his Purplesn0w unlock tool. Even though it’s a soft unlock, GeoHot claims it as good as a true unlock that is very light and does not add additional tasks to the baseband.
Here are the instructions to follow:
Be sure to have legit activated 3GS
Disable 3G if you don’t have it(like T-Mobile).
Add apt.geohot.com to Cydia
Install com.geohot.purplesn0w
Watch for success output in Cydia
Reboot, and enjoy your unlocked iPhone
For the geeks who want to know how GeoHot did this, check out the full source code over here.
[Via iPhonejtag]
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