Nokia’s Comes with Music service has got a new rival in the form of Sony Ericsson’s PlayNow Plus. Though SE has followed the footsteps of Nokia to launch a similar music download service, they have tried to improvise the service by adding new features. PlayNow Plus is being marketed as ‘all-you-can-eat’ service which will give access to millions of song on a PlayNow Plus supported device. Users can listen to and buy songs from their phones and PC, sync playlists and even create their own profile to share their recommendations with other PlayNow Plus users.
Sony Ericsson will launch a special edition of W902 Walkman phone which will be compatible with the service. Scheduled to come out this year in Sweden with Telenor while rest of the world to get it in 2009.
David Gerard says
Yes, this subscription service will work, unlike every other subscription service ever. And it’ll be completely unlimited and DRM-free! Except for the limitations and, er, the DRM. I wrote a rant about it: