UPDATE: The price cut is official. 60GB Xbox 360 will cost Yen 29,800 ($270) while the Elite version will sell at Yen 39,800 ($370).
Japanese business newspaper, Nikkei is reporting that Microsoft will cut Xbox 360 prices in Japan. Expected anytime today, the new price for the Arcade version will be almost 29% down to Yen 19,800 (USD182) from the previous Yen 27,800 (USD256). Other versions will also see the price cut but the new prices are unknown. However, if we apply the same percentage cut to the remaining models, then the new expected price could be around Yen 24,800 (USD229) for Pro and Yen 34,000 (USD315) for Elite.
The move obviously comes to attract more sales and also tackle the local sellers like Nintendo and Sony. Just like in Australia, Xbox 360 will be cheaper to procure than a Wii.
[Via Yahoo]
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