The Consumer Electronics Show which is in Las Vegas saw the launch of Motorola’s ROKR E8. This phone boasts a dual functionality i.e. a phone and a music player. Through this phone the company has also launched its new concept named ModeShift, which allows the phone to change over to a music player. The ROKR E8, which will be made available around March 2008, is equipped with a 2GB internal memory and with an option of additional storage through a MicroSD card slot. The phone has Windows Media Player 11 support on the PC. As for the audio, one can just plug in the 3.5 mm jack or turn on the 3D stereo with an equalizer to get that perfect sound. Other than that, the phone provides quad-band GPRS/EDGE, 2 megapixel camera and Bluetooth, with a 2 inch QVGA screen.
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