Off late Pantech are launching some great new handsets. This time its their homeland, Korea who gets the masterpiece in the form of IM-U160. The slider phone has a 2.6″ QVGA LCD screen which features an aspect ratio of 15:9 compared to other phones which generally offer 4:3. The phone has a touch sensor keypad on the upper slide which vibrates when it is touched. Now according to me, this feature is totally useless but the company touts it as giving a unique feel to the user. IM-U160 has a 2 megapixel camera, DMB, music player, 184MB internal memory and a slot for microSD. Click more to see one more shot and full list of features.
Terrestrial DMB phone
2.6’’ wide 260K QVGA LCD
Dimenstion: 99 x 49.6 x 18.8 mm / weight: 118g
Multi-tasking fuctionality
2M CMOS wtih Auto Focus
MP3 Player
64 polyphonic ringtones
User memory capacity: up to 184MB
External memory card slot provided
Touch sensor keypad
Electronic dictionary
Document viewer
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