Its a thing of passé when the game console manufacturers emphasized only on features rather than its looks. Looks are as important as its features. And SCE seems to understand that by rolling out a bubblegum pink version of PS2 as well as of PSP. The color obviously targets the female gamers. The whole unit of PS2 will come in pink; the console, controllers and even the memory card. It will come with two socially interactive games, BUZZ and SingStar Pop. PS2 will be available throughout Europer from November 8of this year at a price of £130 ($246).
The Pink PSP was also announced today after the PS2 announcement. Only the handheld will be in pink whereas the headphones will be in white. There will be a UMD video of Pink with Crash and Burn game. It will hit the stores on October 18 for a price of £170 ($322).
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