Just bought a spanking new gadget and want to show it to your friends and colleagues. But you are worried about getting it scratched. The scratches, ultimately decrease the value of your gadget and cases are not the solution as it makes the gadget look more ugly and bulky. Well, invisibleSHIELD from Shieldzone could be the solution to this. And we have reviewed it to see if it lives up to the hype.
About the product
invisibleSHIELD is a super-tough, thin, transparent film that is used to protect electronic devices from scratches and dings. The film was originally developed for the military to protect helicopter blades from damage while spinning at hundreds of miles per hour.

Initial Impressions
We tested the shields on a mobile phone as well as on a digital camera screen. The invisibleSHIELD pack comes with a squeegee, a shieldspray and the shield. Applying the shield was pretty easy with the instructions given on the page. But if you find it a tedious task, you can check out the videos which shows you how to apply the shields. The shield sticks pretty nicely on the screens of both the devices. The shield is thin but not fully invisible. It can be clearly seen if you reflect it under the lights. Some bubbles and imperfections were seen after squeegeeing the shield but as claimed by the company, it will go within 2-3 days.
After 24 Hours
The shields get stuck very nicely on the screen and bubbles and imperfections also get vanish. It was faster than the company claimed. So far so good. Now its time to have some gruelling tests on the shield.
We tested the shields by trying to scratching it with a pen, scissor and fingernails. You can see the videos of how well we scratched ;), sorry bout the video quality though. After scratching, a trace was left on where it was scratched but after wiping it with a cloth, it did the job what it was meant to. Check the image below.

The Last Words
invisibleSHIELD is a must buy for a gadget owner who wants to protect their gadgets and keep it new looking for years.
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