Yeah its official now. Sony has announced a new firmware, v2.7 for PSP. Unforunately it will be available only for Japanese PSPs. The new firmware will have Macromedia Flash 6 for the Internet Browser. It will also have the capability to save audio from RSS channels. Other updates include a Video L/R setting and playback of AAC files. More details on the Japanese PSP webpage.
[Via QJ]
UPDATE: Here’s an update for the PSP-1001 systems.
unfortunately? Sony releases new fw versions to get you to not be able to run homebrew, and they only add the “cool” new features to lure you into the trap.
I have a japanese PSP but I have set all the settings to enlish. Will I be able to use this firmwwre?
yeah it will work as it is a japanese psp and you have set the language for english its still a japanese console so you will be able to use this new firmware but dont as the others have said there only luring you into a trap so you wont be able to run homebrew so easy im working with a 2.5 english psp and im having trouble hehe.. …
were can i download games from for psp v 2.5 and 2.7 ? please reply ps send any downloaded games to this email adress to thanks !!!
when is that software comming to psp systems that are version psp1001
help! i got a good one and didn’t know i could hack my psp until i after i had already upgraded my fw to 2.81… is there a way to roll back my firmware or uninstall it?
Is this software legitimate ?
WOW! Boy! this is history! now they have just released the 4.05 firmware update, check it out at psp firmware update
Oops! the link was psp firmware update
I hate when companies release certain products only in certain countries. I’m sure that market research will show what is the most useful in any given region, but that doesn’t mean that no one will buy a product with that feature…
The latest update was good!
I easily get addicted to PSP games and i am always updated with the newest PSP games in town.~”;