PlayStation 3’s upcoming firmware update on April 1 will take away the Linux OS support from original PS3 owners. This obviously, doesn’t bode well with the owners and especially like Geohot who had found some success in hacking PS3. Since Sony will disable the Other OS support with a software update, Geohot reckons it can be turned back on. He has promised to release a Custom Firmware (CFW) that will enable the Other OS feature without losing the firmware’s functionality.
Geohot says the CFW won’t promote piracy but a way to “show them it’s the wrong move for the future of the product and the company”.
[Via GeohotPS3]
OMFG! GeoHot… this early… awesome…!
so i wonder where this firmware is
im starting to think its just a lie need some sort of work around as i wana play games online but i still wana use linux on the playstation 3
Agree with sean…Hope this is coming soon…